Working with Brian Tracy’s Team: How to Network with Famous and Successful People


Ever since my university graduation last April, I’ve been reading a lot of books and listening to a lot of audio-books and webinars of many successful people mostly entrepreneurs. I’ve become a fan of many famous and successful people. The first people I’ve come to learn from were Robert Kiyosaki, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and of course two of the closest people to my heart, Bo Sanchez and Jomar Hilario. But the one who inspired me the most and the one I’ve been listening to most of the time is Brian Tracy. The first audio-book from him which I’ve listen to is called Accelerated Learning Techniques and it has been really useful and effective for me since I’m also currently reviewing for the lincensure examination for chemical engineers in the Philippines. Moreover, his other audio-books have totally changed my mindset about many things in life. He has been studying successful people and what differentiates them from the rest longer than I’ve been living in this planet that’s why I’m listening to him whenever I’m in the MRT or whenever I’m stuck in a traffic somewhere in Manila. I’ve also started recommending him to my loved ones and to you my beloved friends who are reading this now. If there’s one thing I will share which I’ve learn from him, it is the dedication to continuous lifelong learning. It’s why I’m learning as much as I can from him and from other successful people and it’s why I’m writing this blog (because constant writing exercises the mental muscle and enhances creativity).

But well, it does not end there. Surrounding yourself with key people is one of the most important elements in the journey to success. And here, I will share to you how I got connected with Brian Tracy himself. In one of the webinars of Jomar Hilario entitled Insiders Secret Webinar, one of his students named Jones Mancilla shared how she networked with successful online marketers and got online gigs (a jargon referring to projects) from them. Well, these people must be receiving lots of emails everyday but their attention was drawn to her because she offered something they need. She started off by introducing herself and emailing them free posters. After that, she received not just “thank you” messages but gig offers! So I tried creating picture quotes as well and I actually enjoyed playing with the designs. It certainly becomes my hobby now.

Unlike Jones though, I did not have the personal email of Brian Tracy so I emailed the posters I made to the support group of his website. I also sent those posters to his facebook page. Well, to be honest, after several days of waiting in vain, I did not really think that the my message was even noticed. But one morning, after my morning prayer and devotional, I received a message from the social media director of Brian Tracy Social Media Team. I was thrilled with excitement and I immediately shared the news to the Jomar Hilario Mastery Group and thanked Jones Mancilla for sharing her experience. It totally worked.

Here is the reply:

Reply from Brian tracy